Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Teaching Theology Using Desk Items/Office Supplies

If you had to give a short sermon or theological illustration using only items likely to be found on a desk or in an office; what would you use, and what would you say? Here are some items to consider: Glue, Pens, Pencil sharpener, Three-hole punch, Stapler, Scissors, Permanent marker, Printer, Copier, Computer, Calendar, Paper clips, Binder clips, Three ring binders, Rolodex, Coffee maker, Ruler, Pushpins, Tape, Business cards, Paper, Staple remover, Highlighter, White out, File folders, Fax machine, Phone, Stamper, File Cabinet, Letter opener, Chair, Desk, Glue stick, Stacking files, Clipboard, Mouse, Mousepad, Rubber bands, Superglue, Pencil, Crayon, Post-its, Planner, Blotter, Eraser, Paper cutter, Hole punch, Exacto knife ,Phone book, Typewriter, Fridge, Garbage can ,Shredder, Creamer, Sugar, Calculator, Hand lotion ,Door, String, Whiteboard, Dry erase board/markers, and a Bulletin board. Have fun.

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