Wednesday, April 9, 2008

WW--Christians Shouldn’t Use Medicine

~How can we say that we have faith if we depend on medicine for our healing?
~If you really believed that prayer works, you wouldn’t seek any other form of remedy.
~Aren’t we protected by Jesus’ blood and covered in every area of our lives by it?
~Medical doctors deny the complexity of the human being by treating the body as if it is only a machine.
~The personal touch element is missing from most medical encounters. It’s a sterile environment pathogen-wise and also humanity-wise.
~Medical doctors discount a variety of alternative treatments such as Chiropractic and Naturpathic and even Herbal and Eastern healing techniques.
~Medicine assumes that surgery and drugs are the answer to everything instead of dealing with the actual causes of problems. Nobody gets headaches because of an ibuprofen deficiency.
~Medicine discounts the very real impact of spiritual problems and demonic afflictions which cannot be treated by ordinary medical means.
~Medicine is terribly expensive, and even more so than it should be because of the current condition of insurance and malpractice and HMOs.
~Medicine is polluted by the drug companies who use every means available to get doctors to recommend their particular drugs.
~We need God, not some guy who got a degree at a secular school.
~The Bible is negative towards doctors, consider the woman with the issue of blood who spent all her money and only got worse.
~Asa, the king in 1 Chronicles 16:12 was punished for seeking physicians not the Lord.
~The scientific worldview is hostile to the Biblical one.
~If it’s your time to die, you aren’t going to stop it. And if it’s not, you aren’t going to cause it.

Bible References: Psalm 135:6, Isaiah 1:6, Isaiah 55:8-9, Jeremiah 8:22, Ezekiel 47:12, Matthew 9:12, Mark 5:25-30, Luke 10:33-34, Colossians 4:14, 1 Timothy 5:23, James 4:2-3, James 5:13-15 (plus what is in the links below)

Child's death tests OR faith healing law by The Oregonian
The use of medicine and doctors by
Healing scriptures by
Healing scriptures by
Healing scriptures II by

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