Thursday, October 16, 2008

Proposition 102—Protect Marriage

“Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.” How much more simple can it be? This second effort at protecting marriage is a much simpler, more streamlined variation on Prop 107 which failed barely last election cycle.

~100% support. I recommend a YES vote.
~There is really only one question in the debate over this proposition: how difficult do you want it to be to redefine marriage to include gay marriage or polygamy in the future? Current Arizona law prohibits both, a law which has been upheld by the Arizona Supreme Court as Constitutional. Thus, this Amendment would do absolutely nothing to the current practice of Arizona. So, there is no reason to oppose it except if you would like to change current Arizona law and keep that possibility easier. Similarly, there is no reason to favor it except that you are concerned that the legislature or the Arizona courts might in the future decide to bypass the people and redefine marriage on its own. I want that as hard as possible, which is why I favor this. The correct question to ask anyone who opposes Prop 102 is, "Why do you want to keep it easier for politicians or the courts to redefine marriage?"
~All arguments offered against this Amendment are also arguments against current Arizona law. Seriously, all of them. Thus the utter hypocrisy of people who say this is unnecessary because it's already the law. These same people turn around and talk about why this is wrong, discrimatory, hateful, unfair, etc. Those same claims would apply against the current Arizona Revised (as in, can be revised again) Statute defining marriage as a man and a woman.
~Given the environment of uncertainty about how judges might usurp the right of the people to keep marriage as what it has always been (as evidenced by Massachussets, California, and now Connecticut), placing an additional barrier in the path of revisionists makes perfect sense.
~"Keep the politicians out of marriage?" Yes. That's why we want to pass Prop 102.
~"Trust the people." Yes. That's why we want to let them vote on Prop 102.
~"We did this before." No. Prop 107 would have been a significant change in Arizona law in addition to raising the bar for changing it. That previous issue only failed by a 52:48 margin with lots of collateral concerns. This should pass by a wide margin precisely because it is merely a restatement of current law in a much more protected environment. Also, many initiatives (including US Constitutional Amendments) as well as many politicians fail the first, or subsequent, time around. Does that mean that everyone ought to quit after the very first attempt? Here's one thing I can guarantee. The same people who are saying that we already decided this will surely be working to rescind it in subsequent elections if they can. So be it. But I'll be the first to remind them of their own silly rhetoric at that point.

Prop 102 - Gay Marriage Ban by
Proposition 102 - Marriage by PBS 8
What is Prop 102? by
Vote no..."Trust the people" by

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