Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Theological Tuesday

~What is the role of suffering in Christianity?
~What should we do with 1 Cor 5, especially verse 11?
~Is Michael Spencer right about American Evangelicalism?
~Is Dinesh D’Souza right about atheism?

1 comment:

Bob said...

I was very interested in the discussion on 'not judging the culture'. I would appreciate if you could un-pack the practical aspects of living this type of life. The only example that comes to mind is that while we must do what we can to prevent someone from having an abortion (to protect inocent life)we must also be willing to love and pray for the person that has one anyway.
Other ways to put this into action would be helpful.
I also don't know what part of the Bible spells out that sin is caused by not loving God enough. I don't doubt you, it's just that I'm not as well versed in the Bible.
I have gotten alot out of your recent ideas about judging and would like to hear more.
Bob (in Surprise)