Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wacky Wednesday--Books Are Bad

Note: Before reading the following arguments, please understand that they are not what I believe. On Wednesdays, I deliberately argue for wrong ideas, challenging my listeners to call and defend the obvious right answer, which is usually far harder than one would expect. This is a summary of what Wacky Andrew will be arguing, not a representation of what real Andrew believes.

~Ask yourself why they so frequently get banned.
~The only way to know an author’s agenda is to read the book, but by the time you do that, you’ve been exposed to it.
~Fiction causes us to be dissatisfied with real life.
~Even non-fiction creates a far more orderly world than this real one.
~How many people do you know who fill their minds with books while real people are daily starving?
~Introverts love it too much, and non-readers feel guilt for not reading enough.
~Which is better, reading a new book or rereading the Bible?

~Books fill your head with unrealistic nonsense about politics, romance, history, business, science, and everything in between.

~Only 100 years ago, reading novels was considered inappropriate and even potentially dangerous behavior.
~Reading books teaches fatalism and determinism rather than free will, unless you’re reading the now-defunct Choose Your Own Adventure style books.
~Books can influence kids to have really disturbed ideas and even do awful things such as was the case with Sorrows of a Young Werther
~We seek in books a comforting alternative to our reality instead of fixing that reality.
~There’s a perfectly good reason socially speaking that avid readers are misfits in their youth and still a little bit that way as adults.

~Books render people unnecessary as experts to help us solve our problems.

~If there weren’t so many books, we would read our Bibles more.

~Books just cultivate pride and being puffed up with knowledge.

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