Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wacky Wednesday--It’s A Sin To Be Angry

Note: Before reading the following arguments, please understand that they are not what I believe. On Wednesdays, I deliberately argue for wrong ideas, challenging my listeners to call and defend the obvious right answer, which is usually far harder than one would expect. This is a summary of what Wacky Andrew will be arguing, not a representation of what real Andrew believes.

~James 1:20 says the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.
~Titus 1:7 says not to have an overseer who is quick to anger.
~Colossians 3:8 says to put aside anger and wrath.
~Ephesians 4:31 says to put away all anger and wrath.
~Galatians 5:20 lists outbursts of anger with other awful sins.
~Is anger part of the fruit of the Spirit? (Galatians 5:22-23)
~Have you ever regretted your behavior while angry?
~Have you ever solved a problem by getting angry?
~Does anger help you make better decisions or make you stupider?
~Name someone known for anger and wisdom, effectiveness, love, etc.
~Don’t you have to admit that the things that make you angry are either trivial or else demonstrate that you don’t trust God to be in control?
~Sentence never uttered in a marriage: “Ah, now I know you love me because you are furious with me.”
~Anger is counterproductive in most situations, and usually indicates weakness rather than strength.

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