Wednesday, November 7, 2007

WW--Children Should Not Obey Their Parents

~How do you expect them to learn but through their mistakes?
~When you tell them to not do something, that lesson doesn’t really have the weight of a real-life experience of the pain of stupidity.
~Parents are often wrong.
~What about those cases where parents are telling their kids to do something awful or evil?
~You can’t simultaneously complain about how immoral most Americans are and how inept most parents are and then turn around and tell kids to obey these inept, immoral people just because they donated some chromosomes.
~This is what movies and television regularly teach, so how can it not be true?
~Parents are not really aware of the world and children’s needs anyhow. They’re mostly inept bumblers, right?
~Kids are people, too.
~Who died and left you king?
~We all agree that kids need to learn to make their own decisions.
~Things are not right because parents say so, but because they are right. If parents cannot explain it so the kid understands, whose fault is that?
~Tyrannical parents love the idea of submission.
~Don’t you believe in limited government? How is that different?
~If a kid has to live with the consequences of his decisions, then why not let him make them himself?
~God gave them a conscience and speaks to them, too, right?
~How does owning an operational reproductive organs qualify you to make decisions for another person’s life?
~Wasn’t slavery outlawed 150 years ago?
~The Declaration of Independence could have easily been written on behalf of most children.
~Was the 5th Commandment written by a child?
~What if your parent is an atheist?

Post-Show Thoughts: The family is God's greatest gift to us for our personal blessing and development. We learn how to obey our parents so that we can learn three vital things: that the world will require obedience from us, that God will require obedience from us, and how to be a good spouse and parent ourselves. You cannot lead until you know how to follow, and a parent who never learned how to obey his own parents will never make a good parent himself. Learning how to get along with difficult people over whom we don't have power (as kids) is the best preparation for getting along with our spouses and for keeping us from being tyrants over our own children. Of course parents know more than kids, but the duty to obey parents is in place even when the parents are wrong. The tremendous blessings that come from obeying imperfect parents or even having bad ones are rarely understood.


Anonymous said...

Hey dude i am a kid and well shut the heck up i think kids need to obay their parent no matter what! do you notice kids who's parent couldn't care less on what their kids do always are the one who are doing drugs? and getting a nice pass to jail??!?!?! i wouldent post anything saying stuff like that unless you knew what you were talking about! and the reason why i have the only comment to you is becuse everyone hates you!!!!!!! so just nicely do your big fat mouth a favor and SHUT UP!

Anonymous said...

Hey man I have to agree with that kid I mean maybe you hade a bad mom and dad but you just need to deel with it and stop becuse its people like you who post these threds and say why kids should not obey their parents and make parent think a kid is just a pet!
kids should have freedoms but just not totle control! just if your herting from a bad chieledhood maybe you should go to church or something just remember god always want to help you and always will.

Andrew Tallman said...

I'm not quite sure what to say after all that. Perhaps nothing would be best. =)

Anonymous said...

Kids should not have to obey, but they should not be in control.