Thursday, November 1, 2007

WW--It's Wrong To Evangelize

  • It’s disrespectful.
  • It’s offensive.
  • Many people find it burdensome to think that it’s their obligation to share the Gospel.
  • God will save whom He saves, and God does the saving anyhow.
  • Do you really think your unwillingness to evangelize is going to keep some of God’s chosen out of heaven?
  • In many places it’s illegal.
  • It violates freedom of religion to try to force your beliefs upon others.
  • It leads people to do all sorts of collaterally immoral things such as proselytize in the classroom, distract from workplace activities, accost strangers who are minding their own business, and co-opt the government to your religious concerns.
  • Most evangelism efforts haven’t yet earned the right to speak into someone’s life.
  • Leads you to think that salvation is something you accomplish for others.
  • Does God really need your inept help?
  • Better to pray and wait
  • It puts people on edge about what the real nature of your relationship is.
  • It causes self-righteous people to neglect doing good works of humanitarian service when they don’t feel they can attach Jesus’s name to them.
  • Not everyone is good at it, and even if some are, the ones who aren’t really aren’t.
  • It tends to reduce to Gospel to oversimplified plans, which falsely gives people the sense they are saved when they are not.
  • If we weren’t so worried about notches in our evangelism stick, we could just be friends, pray, build relationships, serve others, and let God do the work.
  • Who do you think you are to take away someone else’s unbelief?
  • Humility must admit that you may be mistaken, and, if so, now you’ve led other people into your error.
  • When you push, people either push back or run away, generally.
  • How many people really like used-car salesmen?
  • A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
  • If you aren’t open to becoming whatever they are, it’s immoral to expect them to be interested in becoming what you are. It’s a one-sided relationship.
  • Manufacturing a need and finding a need are not the same thing. Most people who evangelize don’t realize this.
  • There are so many ways evangelism is done wrong that it’s better to not do it at all.
  • Contributes to a one-approach-fits-all mindset.

Response/Post-show thoughts: Evangelism is at the core of what it means to be Christian. Christianity without evangelism is not Christianity. Clearly, it's our command from Jesus Himself. If we are grateful for what has been done for us, then we will demonstrate that by wanting to give others the chance to experience the same grace. Still, our obligation is to do so lovingly and without adding offense to the Gospel itself. If people are offended, the important thing is that they be offended at God and not at us, His inept ambassadors.

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