Wednesday, February 20, 2008

WW--People Shouldn’t Read The Bible For Themselves

~Most people don’t have the sort of time it takes to run a family, a business, pray, serve, and also study the Bible properly.
~If everyone could read the Bible, why would we need pastors, evangelists, apostles, etc.?
~Which translation should the individual read?
~The Ethiopian Eunuch needed Phillip to explain it to him.
~Without the Holy Spirit, it’s hopeless to try to understand the Bible anyway.
~Jesus had to explain the Old Testament on the road to Emmaeus
~The Pharisees knew the Bible, what good did it do them?
~Gives the impression that knowing the Bible is more important than knowing God.
~It just leads to a thousand private opinions and divisions
~People don’t know the original languages, the cultural context, the history, or even just enough of the whole Bible to properly understand any individual passage
~People rip things out of context
~Ever since the Reformation, no one knows what the Bible says anymore.
~Gosh, one partially wrong Catholic Church or 30,000 partially to gravely wrong Protestant churches?
~It leads people to want to become teachers, but James warns us to not become teachers.
~Even Peter admits that much of what is written by Paul is difficult to comprehend, and he was an Apostle!
~Paul warns Timothy and Titus against controversy and vain discussions, and certainly there is more of this now that everyone has a Bible than ever there was before.
~Insecurity and uncertainty in the new believer with so much controversy.
~If so, does this mean that all Christians who didn’t have access to it or weren’t literate were somehow doing Christianity wrong?
~All too many Christians are educated way beyond their activity level.
~If it weren’t for private Bible reading, then all the ridiculous Wacky Wednesday arguments wouldn’t be so easily made.

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