Wednesday, February 13, 2008

WW--We Shouldn’t Celebrate Valentine’s Day

~It’s origins go back to a Roman sex festival to the demigod Lupercus.
~It’s just another example of the commercialization of everything.
~It makes people who are single or recently singled feel great pain.
~If we’re going to have a “Love Day,” it should be agape, not eros, we commemorate.
~Do we really need more emphasis on sexual desire in America?
~The very notion that you can schedule passion into your planner on a particular date is contrary to the essence of genuine passion.
~When did “I bought you something” and “I love you” become synonymous?
~You can’t win on Valentine’s day. If you buy something, it’s expected. If you don’t, it’s a tragedy. It’s become a lose-lose day of misapplied entitlement thinking.
~Like mother’s day and father’s day, this holiday is primarily a benefit to women, and hence a burden on men. Where’s the reciprocity?
~Where, exactly, in the Bible does it tell us to celebrate Valentine’s Day?
~It just means more Victoria’s Secret ads.
~The very notion that you can schedule passion into your planner on a particular date is contrary to the essence of genuine passion.
~Romance is just a distraction to the real projects near to God’s heart.
~Celibacy is upheld as an ideal in several parts of the Bible, and until we have national celibacy day, I’m not going for Valentine’s Day either.

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