Monday, November 24, 2008

How Is Your Spouse Weird?

Relationship books are great, especially if you are starting from a position of knowing nothing about how to relate to the opposite gender. But relationship books all have one significant flaw: they are books about spouses, not about your spouse. And, as with so many other things, what is true for most women may not be true for your woman, and what is true for most men may not be true for your man. Perhaps your wife doesn’t like jewelry or chocolate. Perhaps your husband is the talker in the relationship. So, both for the sake of a little fun and also to demonstrate this point, I’d like us to talk about some things about our spouses which don’t fit the model laid out in relationship books for most spouses.

To husbands: how to have a great wife by Andrew Tallman
His needs, her needs by Willard Harley
The five love languages by Steven Chapman

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