Monday, March 8, 2010

Ethics: Annulment

I’ve always been a little bit skeptical about the concept of annulment. It honestly always sounded to me like just the Catholic version of divorce, and some anecdotal stories I’ve read reinforced that belief. But I also knew I had never given it much serious attention as a concept. Having recently read two columns on the subject, I thought we could talk about the ethicality this way of handling marriage termination.

Annulment (Wikipedia)
Catholic annulment (Wikipedia)
Annulment in the law (Expert Law)
Annulment Q&A (Catholic)
Annulment Q&A (Law)
Divorce (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Divorce in the civil jurisprudence (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Annulment based on fraud part 1, part 2 (Findlaw)

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