Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wacky Wednesday--SUVs And Minivans Are Unethical

Note: Before reading the following arguments, please understand that they are not what I believe. On Wednesdays, I deliberately argue for wrong ideas, challenging my listeners to call and defend the obvious right answer, which is usually far harder than one would expect. This is a summary of what Wacky Andrew will be arguing, not a representation of what real Andrew believes.

~Dangerous to animals and wildlife
~Headlights are right in my rear-view mirror, let alone if brights are on.
~Intimidating to have one tailgate you.
~They waste gas.
~Danger to others, in a collision with a car, the car rarely wins.
~Bullies love them.
~Moral hazard of knowing you’re safer makes you drive more recklessly.
~Feeling of superiority because you are both bigger and taller than the ordinary car.
~They actively reduce visibility, and therefore safety, for ordinary cars.
~The immorality of it becomes apparent when you present these argument to someone who drives one of these monsters: if you don’t like it, buy one yourself.
~They create envy and are often bought from covetousness.

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