Monday, June 21, 2010

Ethics: What Are Your Fathering Goals?

Any farmer knows that the growing season takes time. That’s why it would be so absurd to yell at the ground for not showing corn on day 8. It would also rather obviously be silly to complain about not reaping corn after having planted broccoli. One of the basic ideas my dad has taught me is the importance of knowing what you’re trying to accomplish with your kids and, perhaps even more importantly, when you’re intending to see the result. Since this is something that far too few fathers really sit down to figure out, I thought it would be useful to collaborate on our fathering goals on the air.

1 comment:

dave p said...

Ultimately, I want them to be just like me, only without the bad characteristics.

Because really, if we're not sharp enough to know, then we're not sharp enough to know we don't know.