Thursday, May 21, 2009

Various Current Events

Kids eschew camp for tech gadgets (Tech News World)
Boomers avoid “grandparents” label (Boston Globe)
MTV misjudges millennial generation (CS Monitor)
Pharmaceutically enhanced academics (CS Monitor)
Obama scored big at ND (WSJ)
Obama at Notre Dame (CS Monitor)
Notre Dame speech transcript (LA Times)
36% is high enough interest (NY Times)
Soak the rich, lose the rich (WSJ)
Tax audits are nothing to joke about (WSJ)
Sarbox and the Constitution (WSJ)
Dan Brown’s America (NY Times)
Not enough on guns (NY Times)
Executions debated as Missouri plans one (NY Times)
Credit cards plan to profit from good customers (NY Times)
Obama’s national security speech transcript (CNN)
Cheney’s national security speech transcript (Politico)
NYT killed story damaging to candidate Obama (Powerline)
The NYT account of the story killing (NY Times)
39 MPG from bankrupt car makers? Seriously? (WSJ)
Obama ate the entire auto buffet (WSJ)
Safer credit cards (NY Times)
Unusual baby names growing in popularity (USA Today)
Kimmel’s honesty about advertising (NYT Blogs)
Why journalists deserve low pay (CS Monitor)
Don’t ask don’t tell should end (WSJ)
(Pocket) change we don’t need (NY Times)
Credit card bill includes gun measure (NY Times)
Terrorist bomb plot in US stopped (NY Times)
Obama considered preventative detention plan (NY Times)
Released detainees return to terror (NY Times)
Bush improved air quality (Fox News)
Obama MPG would kill more than Iraq war (Canada Free Press)
New car rules will transform US auto fleet (My Way News)
Obama’s flip-flops (Karl Rove)

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