Health Insurance in US (Wikipedia)
Medicare (Wikipedia)
Medicaid (Wikipedia)
Obama’s health reform plan (Wikipedia)
Health care reform debate in US (Wikipedia)
Gov’t coops really aren’t (WSJ)
Republicans shouldn’t compromise (WSJ)
Obama’s trust problem (NY Times)
Basis for elderly fears seen in plan (NY Times)
Healthcare endgame near but uncertain (Findlaw)
Healthcare reform: time for action (John Dean)
Truth versus facts and the media (LA Times)
A public option that works (NY Times)
Rationing is scary (Newt Gingrich)
Obama and the practice of medicine (WSJ)
Language in the health care debate (CS Monitor)
Why we need health care reform (Barack Obama)
Health care’s generation gap (NY Times)
Tell grandma no (NY Times)
The Swiss menace (NY Times)
Whole foods boycotted for editorial (WSJ)
What death panels might look like (WSJ)
Alternative plans muddy debate (NY Times)
Health co-ops = government care (WSJ)
Obamacare and anesthesiology (WSJ)
Single payer for kids (WSJ)
Plain English on health care (NY Times)
Priority test: health care or prisons? (NY Times)
Obamacare’s contradictions (WSJ)
Canadian and British lessons (Larry Elder)
Obama frames issue around faith (Wash Times)
Rep imposes civility rules at townhall (Denver Post)
Doctors versus the AMA (Forbes)
Thousands quit AARP over Obamacare support (CBS News)
Obama’s tone-deaf health campaign (WSJ)
In healthcare debate, “reality” in dispute (CS Monitor)
Separating fact from fiction on health care (WSJ)
A primer on the health care debate (NY Times)
Whole foods alternative to Obamacare (WSJ)
Truth about health insurance (WSJ)
Medicare for all isn’t the answer (WSJ)
10 steps to better health care (NY Times)
If Uncle Sam becomes your doctor (CS Monitor)
Obama’s healthcare horror (Camille Paglia)
ObamaCare’s real price tag (WSJ)
Health insurance and car insurance (CS Monitor)
Healthcare bill’s troubling religious exception clause (Findlaw)
Obamacare all about rationing (WSJ)
Health care co-ops (NY Times)
A health insurance lawyer tackles scare tactics (CS Monitor)
USPS a scary model for health care (Wash Times)
Does Obamacare require euthanasia consults? (Politico)
Dr. Obama’s tonsillectomy (WSJ)
Is health care a right? (WSJ)
Correcting Obama’s fact errors (NY Times)
State-by-state impact of Obama’s tax surcharge (Heritage)
FixHealthCarePolicy.com (Heritage)
Obama attacks docs and cops (Bill Kristol)
Text of Obamacare press conference (NY Times)
GovernmentCare’s assault on seniors (WSJ)
Congress’s health care numbers don’t add up (NY Times)
World’s best health care (NY Times)
Maternity bed shortages in UK (Daily Mail)
Health care in the early church (Christianity Today)
Mr. Obama, you promised health care (LA Times)
Health care fit for animals (NY Times)
Obama targets Medicare Advantage (WSJ)
Obama’s health-rationer-in-chief (WSJ)
Elderly have concerns about Obamacare (AP)
Rationing has always been the norm (Findlaw)
You’ll lose 5 key freedoms under Obama’s plan (CNN)
2 rules by which to judge a health reform plan (Health Care Blog)
A detailed analysis of candidate Obama’s health plan (Health Care Blog)
5 biggest lies about Obama’s health care reform (Newsweek)
Top 5 lies about Obama’s plan (MoveOn.org)
Naum's Links (A loyal, liberal, Christian listener)
10 Reasons to Support Health Care Reform
A Canadian Doctor Diagnoses U.S. Healthcare
A Christian Creed on Health Care Reform
A Socialist Attends a Town Hall Health Care Meeting
A System From Hell
Another Poll Shows Majority Support for Single-Payer
Bill Moyers Journal (8/28/09)
Buy Health, not Health Care
Compulsory Insurance Will Not Work
Conservatives are Wrong About Free Market Health Care
Debunking Canadian Health Care Myths
Doctors Just Want to Be Doctors
Ezra Klein
Five Myths About Health Care in the Rest of the World
Health Care Abroad: Japan
Health Care and the Christian Tradition
Health Care Destruction
Health Care Fit for Animals
Health Care Hypocrisy
Health Care is a Human Right
Hope for Fundamental Health Care Reform
How American Health Care Killed My Father
How does the quality of U.S. Health Care Compare Internationally?
Inequality is Unhealthy: Dr. Stephen Bezruchka on How Economic Inequality is Dangerous to our Health
Insurance Industry: The Parasite That Feeds on US Public Health System
Mythbusting Canadian Health Care Part I
Mythbusting Canadian Health Care Part II
Obama's Doctor Speaks Out for Single-Payer Healthcare Reform
Our Health Care System is Just Fine as is!
"Paying for" Health Care Reform
President Obama and Congress: If You Missed Wise County, Join Me in L.A.
Pro-life but Anti-Health Care?
Quality of Life and an Economic Bill of Rights
Remember When Health Insurance was a Great Idea?
Recession Causing Massive Health Insurance Losses
Scoring Truthfulness in the Health Care Debate
Socialism for Children, Capitalism for Adults
Socialist Health Plan? In Norway, Obama's Plan Not Even Close
Socialized Medicine: Only 13% of Americans Purchase Their Own Health Insurance
The Cost Conundrum
The Evil-Mongering of the American Medical Association
The Health Care Debate, Early Church Style
The Health Care Cruise
The Health Care Debate: Another Country Heard From
The Health Care Debate From a Doctor's Perspective
The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform
The Real Health Care Question: Who are we, as a people?
The Real Issue
The Truth About Socialized Medicine
Top World Healthcare Systems
True Competition A Myth in the Private Health Insurance Marketplace, Part 1
Understanding Health Care
Washing Health Care Clean
Wendell Potter on Patients and Profits
When it comes to healthcare, U.S., Britain, and Canada are hurting
Why Conservatives are Radical on Health Care
Why I am a Conservative on Health Care Reform
Why We Must Ration Health Care
Why we need health care reform
Yin vs. Yang on Health Care: Conservatives Make a Few Points
The free market system does not work properly with respect to health care.
There is no downward pressure on costs.
In a standard capitalistic model, a product is priced according to the balance point where demand meets supply.
When supply is greater than demand, the price for the product drops. When the price gets too high for most to recognize it as a value, they decide against purchasing it, and demand drops.
Health care is not a discretionary purchase of that type. People who need health care, need health care. They don't need it less when it costs too much, and they don't indulge themselves when the cost drops. There is no balancing consumer behavior to counterweight the producer's relentless drive to grow profits.
On top of that, the producer's drive to provide the service promised is reduced because of the time lapse between purchase and delivery. The consumer can pay premiums for years before needing the service. At that point, the provider faces a disincentive to provide the service, since the company will make more money when it denies more claims. The damage to its reputation is minimal, and the ability of the customer to choose another vendor is severely restricted because of pre-existing conditions clauses, contractual waiting periods and industry reluctance to take on clients who need care immediately.
The right wing's obsessive focus on capitalistic principles to control costs are utterly useless in this situation. That is why we face runaway costs and millions are priced out of the market.
The market CANNOT solve this problem.
Most of those links are from Wall Street Journal, a media empire owned by a pair of foreign billionaires (one an oil sheik, the other married into communist Chinese).
Or other right wing disinformation in the same vein (and along with same campe of people) that opposed social security, medicare, civil rights, etc…
What a shame to see Christians disregard life simply because one may not have the financial means to obtain necessary health care.
"The Wall Street Joural is wrong because they are owned by the wrong people" This is called a "genetic fallacy" in logic.
"Other right wing disinformation..." This is called either "poisoning the well" or "loaded language" in logic.
"Christians disgregard life..." This is called an "ad hominem abusive fallacy" in logic. (Everyone who disagrees with me is evil and not sincere about their Christianity.)
If you'll notice, I've posted stuff here both pro and con, and especially the first links from Wikipedia catalog argument evenly from both sides.
Your first post was much more worthy of you, Naum. I'll let you remove the second one at your discretion.
No, I did not say "The Wall Street Joural is wrong", I merely wished to point out that half the links in your list were from a corporatist organ whose interest is anything but truth or justice (at least on the editorial page, in the news section, better, but deteriorating now under management of NewsCorp, at least according to standards I learned back in journalism school).
It is an entity, after all (actually Fox News, same owner) that argued (successfully!) in court that they had a 1st amendment right to purposefully lie to and deceive viewers.
Sorry, I understand all about "genetic fallacy" but such a preponderance of WSJ links is the equivalent of citing Michael Moore for the bulk of an argument — it "cherry picks" one-sided info and is oblivious or completely disregards truth that counters it.
It not a balanced list of links as it's missing a whole bunch of reports and comparisons on U.S. system vs. other countries, or those nation's citizens preference for those plans over what is considered barbaric system here that values money over need (not that those systems are perfect or that U.S. system is totally flawed, as some would proclaim).
And sorry, when I hear you rail against health care/insurance reform, it justifies the status quo which does indeed entail "disregarding life" because the current system is indeed depriving people of life, based on economic means. And that includes many with insurance, that find out they're capped, presented with life devastating illness and the onset of bankruptcy and loss of everything.
ER visit != health care
Having health insurance != health care in many cases
You can cover it up with euphemistic rationalizations, but
bottom line is indeed, not to be pro-life in supporting the way health care is presently rationed.
You defend a system that champions the rich and powerful over the poor and powerless. That does not look like Jesus to me…
Email me your best 20-25 links, and I'll read them and post the ones I think are worth reading, probably all of them.
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