Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wacky Wednesday--Christians Shouldn’t Drink Alcohol

Note: Before reading the following arguments, please understand that they are not what I believe. On Wednesdays, I deliberately argue for wrong ideas, challenging my listeners to call and defend the obvious right answer, which is usually far harder than one would expect. This is a summary of what Wacky Andrew will be arguing, not a representation of what real Andrew believes.

~It was Christians who were primarily responsible for the 18th Amendment illegalizing alcohol in the United States.
~Without alcohol, there wouldn’t be any DUI fatalities. How embarrassing for Christ if you are ever involved in one of those!
~How many people have to become alcoholics for you to realize the danger?
~Even if it isn’t a danger to you, drinking alcohol can so easily cause a weaker brother to stumble if he sees you doing it? Why would you care so little about him like that?
~The sort of alcohol available in the Bible was so weak compared to our modern versions that you can’t base your belief in the acceptability of drinking on minor things they did.
~There are so many passages warning about the dangers of drink that you’re foolish for testing them.
~Non-Christians expect Christians to not drink.
~We’re supposed to be in this world, but not of it?
~If you drink, you are supporting an industry that exists because of and profits from alcoholism.
~So many people abuse alcohol, that even if you don’t, you are part of the greater problem.
~Why is it illegal to sell alcohol on Sunday before noon? Because alcohol consumption is incompatible with Christianity.
~How do you know when you take a first drink that you won’t take a second or a third or a tenth?
~Is alcohol THAT important to you that you can’t give it up?
~How much money that you aren’t giving to orphans and the poor do you spend on beer and wine?
~How can you love the Lord with ALL your mind when you’re clouding your judgment and slowing down your cognitive processes?
~We are supposed to be separate from this world so they can see the difference between Christ and their own way of life.
~Is pleasure really THAT important to you?
~When have you ever been around someone and thought, “Gee, what they really n need is to drink more alcohol!”?
~Do you want your kids around people who drink?

Con: Should Christians Drink? by Go Be Do Ministries
Con: Can Christians Drink Alcohol? by Lay
Con: Should Christians Drink Wine Coolers? by John MacArthur
Con: Alcohol and Sin by Paul Smithson
Con: Is Drinking Alcohol a Sin? by
Fence: Is It Sin to Drink Alcohol? by Got
Fence: Is Drinking Alcohol a Sin? by
Pro: Is It a Sin For a Christian to Drink Alcohol? by NTL
Pro: Drinking Alcohol by
Pro: Should Christians Drink Alcohol? by Banner of
Pro: Is It a Sin to Drink Alcoholic Beverages? by John Plunkett
Pro: Is It a Sin to Drink Alcohol? by James McBride


Lee said...

How does someone your age know Dean Martin's "Little 'Ole Wine Drinker Me?"

Andrew Tallman said...

Over the years, I have amassed a substantial music library to use on the show. I wouldn't have known it so much directly, but I have a handful of Dean Martin CDs, including this song. =)