Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wacky Wednesday--We Shouldn't Criticize President Obama

Note: Before reading the following arguments, please understand that they are not what I believe. On Wednesdays, I deliberately argue for wrong ideas, challenging my listeners to call and defend the obvious right answer, which is usually far harder than one would expect. This is a summary of what Wacky Andrew will be arguing, not a representation of what real Andrew believes.

~We’re supposed to be at peace with all our neighbors, pray for our leaders, and be in submission to the political authorities.
~When we criticize him so vehemently, we give the impression that we are invested in politics rather than in Christ
~Much, if not all, of the criticism of Obama is disrespectful and mean rather than being respectful of his authority and office.
~Whatever else you might believe about him, the Bible is clear that leaders are ordained by God. If God has given the Presidency to Barack Obama because God likes the direction he will take this country, who are you to oppose Him? If God has given the Presidency to Barack Obama because God hates this country’s immoralities and is punishing us, who are you to oppose Him? In short, the fact that he is the President proves that criticizing him is logically just by extension a way of criticizing God and putting yourself in opposition to His greater plan.
~If such a vast majority of Americans disagree with your assessment of Obama, humility means accepting the possibility that maybe you’re wrong.
~This is our process for selecting leaders. If you are going to gripe after the fact about everything some duly elected President does, that just shows you don’t really believe in the process you participate in.
~The only way to disabuse Americans seduced by liberalism is to let a full-blown version take over so they can see the disaster.
~Every point of Barack Obama’s plans that we oppose makes us look like the stereotype of conservatives liberals and moderates have as stingy, heartless people who love the rich and hate kids.
~Whenever we criticize him, if we’re white, we just get accused of being racists. Even if we aren’t, we don’t want to give people the impression that we are. Remember, politics isn’t about being right, but about seeming to be right, and if criticism of the first black President is only going to reinforce the notion that conservatives and Republicans are racists, then why would we want to do that?
~How did criticizing the political leader of his day work out for John the Baptist?
~When you criticize Barack Obama for being a bad Christian or not a Christian at all, you make it seem like anyone who disagrees with you is unacceptable because what you really want is a theocracy.
~Barack Obama is viewed by the rest of the world as the greatest thing America has done recently. When you oppose him, in their eyes, you seem like a barbarian who is resisting the best thing this country is currently doing.

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