Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Theological Tuesday

~Should we capitalize “God?”
~Why are converts more devoted than children of believers?
~Do you fear “spiritual” books?
~Is $130 million too much for a church complex?
~What does Christianity cost? What has it cost you?
~What expression do you imagine on God’s face?
~Should children be encouraged to study Evolution?
~The Empty Pot as Gospel narrative.
~The Little Prince and idolatry.
~Does God reward and punish people in this life?
~Should Christians with Muslims fast during Ramadan?


Converts more devoted than non-converts (Christian Post)

Dallas megachurch to build $130 million complex (Christian Post)

God or god? (Atheism.about)

Uppercase (Secular humanism)
Fasting during Ramadan (Christianity Today)

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