Monday, August 11, 2008

Ethics: What Ethical Obligations Do We Have Toward God?

What does it mean to be a good person? The vast majority of people will give answers that talk about interpersonal behavior, so-called horizontal ethics. Being a good person entails being good to other people. But we Christians have learned that something else comes first: being good to God. At the same time, even though we know the Great Commandment is to Love God Fully, we still may find ourselves a bit befuddled at the idea of trying to specify just what this requires from us. After all, obeying God is clearly a big part of it, but isn’t obeying God largely about how we treat other people? Surely so. Yet this seems to fundamentally ignore the more basic question: if we are supposed to love God, what does that look like? What, precisely, does it mean to be ethical toward God and to be unethical toward Him?

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