Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Theological Tuesday

~Bible Stories 29: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3)
~Should Christians study heresy?
~Is it ever okay to be angry with God?
~Should we ever test God?
~What does it mean to have a circumcised heart?
~Is tradition a good or a bad thing, Biblically?
~Is prayer only about words?

Links on Anger at God:
Is it a sin to be angry with God? by DougBrittonBooks.com
Is it ever right to be angry with God? by DesiringGod.org
Is it a sin? (Message board) by Baptistboard.com
It is never right by DesiringGod.org
Being angry with God by BackToTheBible.org
Never be angry at God by Whosoever.org
Genesis 4: 6-7 by CommandTheRaven.com

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