Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wacky Wednesday--College Is A Bad Idea

Note: Before reading the following arguments, please understand that they are not what I believe. On Wednesdays, I deliberately argue for wrong ideas, challenging my listeners to call and defend the obvious right answer, which is usually far harder than one would expect. This is a summary of what Wacky Andrew will be arguing, not a representation of what real Andrew believes.

~Spring break is not a departure from college. Spring Break is college without the coursework.
~College is like Temptation Island: Alcohol, Drugs, Anti-authoritarianism, Sex, Liberalism, and ~Hostility to Christianity are the norm, not the exception.
~How much money does the average 5-year degree actually cost?
~Colleges are primarily in the business of making money, not educating effectively. This is best shown by their unwillingness to offer any sort of a guarantee of earnings or employment. But it is also shown by how rarely they fail students who aren’t really performing and by how often they admit students who aren’t really ready.
~It’s entirely possible to get a college degree and learn very little.
~What you do in college is almost never even remotely a decent preparation for what you will do in your occupation.
~College is basically for people who won’t use a library card and a word processing program.
~With the Internet and blogs, why do you need a college classroom to discuss stuff?
~College is largely just an intellectual hazing exercise to see if you’re able to take orders in a job.
~It usually destroys the desire to learn and read.
~It’s too much about sports and money, anyhow.
~Did I mention sex and alcohol?
~It’s never good to rip a person out of a community context and put him with a bunch of strangers in a distant place without supervision in an environment where every form of immorality and perversion is available at the snap of his fingers.
~College rivalries are ridiculous.
~College is largely just a matter of fashion. You go to a prestigious school for pretty much the same reasons that you wear a brand name label on your clothes.
~Sleep deprivation is the condition of 80% of college students, which actually inhibits learning.
~Cramming for exams proves what, exactly?
~The more prestigious the names of the teachers at your school, the less likely that you’ll ever meet them, that they’ll actually be any good at teaching, or that they’ll have any interest in teaching rather than researching.

America's most overrated product by
Is college worth it? by Walter Williams,
Is college worth it? by
The biggest gamble of your life by

Class Struggle (Vocational Training Discussed) by Washington Post

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