Tuesday, February 15, 2011

02/15/11 2PM Commentary

From PostSecret, a website (PG-15 sometimes) that people send their secret-revealing artwork to. From Valentine's Day, this one struck me because she's clearly rueing the fact that she still has feelings for her ex after 18 years that rather stubbornly won't go away. But this is not a defect in her, it's precisely a key part of the design God built in us: to love forever and to invest ourselves so fully in marriage that we can be safe to do so. A friend of mine is going through a divorce (and another is suffering a break-up) and both of them know rationally that they should hate the other person but they don't. In fact, they hate that they still love them. Rather than a defect, I view this as a virtue that they have PRECISELY the heart God intended us to have toward our spouses.

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