Friday, February 11, 2011

CC--8th Commandment: What does work have to do with theft?

--Eph 4:28--He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need.
--A fabulous encapsulation of virtually all of the Bible’s teachings about theft, work, saving, and charity.
--The underlying principle behind the 8th Commandment is the idea that we should be productive with our time, talent, and effort so as to make more value in the world.
--Instead of undermining the system of wealth creation (private property), the thief should be creating value, saving, and transacting with others, ultimately so he can give to the needy.
--One form of greed wants to steal because it wants what others have. The 8th Commandment condemns this.
--The other, equally ferocious form of greed LOVES the 8th Commandment because he can use it to stop others from demanding he give HIS STUFF to them. He wants to keep every last little dime of whatever he thinks is “rightfully his” to spend on his own selfish desires.
--But the Bible roundly condemns both kinds of greed, teaching us to work, create, save, and be in a position to give when people need it.

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