Monday, June 13, 2011

2PM MTV cancels indecent show

Several months ago, it was news that MTV was going to air a show focusing on teens doing all sorts of horrible things, the name of which I think I’ve never mentioned since I don’t want to inadvertently give it publicity. The fact that this was surprising is the only thing I found surprising. Some groups even tried to pursue child pornography violations against the cable channel. They did succeed in persuading several advertisers to abandon their support. Never one to be dissuaded by decency or common sense, MTV went ahead with the project. But now after one season, they are cancelling it. Whether this is because the show is not all that good, advertising revenues are low, or some other mystic reason, we can’t really know, although it seems to have been advertiser related since lower-rated shows were renewed. In any case, it’s a semi-success for decency groups and a somewhat bright moment for noticing that MTV will be marginally less lurid in the immediate future.

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