Wednesday, February 16, 2011

02/16/11 2PM Commentary

A man in Ballwin, PA has been ordered to take down this massive lit-up cross from his front yard after his neighbor complained. According to one account, he believes it just shows his devotion to the Lord. According to another account, every time the neighbor complained, he'd build a bigger one. She argued that a true Christian would be more considerate of his neighbors, and she's absolutely right. The Bible is pretty clear that we're supposed to have a good reputation with the community, and it's hard to see how "Love your neighbor" means "place a massive and garish religious symbol across the street from them." Imagining that some people think this is about Christianity, I wonder how they'd feel about a swastika or an ankh. This has nothing to do with the message of The Cross and everything to do with the message of this cross, which is actually quite contrary to the message of The Cross. I can't say whether the First Amendment protects him doing this, but the Bible surely does nothing to protect him in it.

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