Thursday, February 17, 2011

CC--9th Commandment: Why is perjury so awful?

--The NT has numerous examples of people being convicted on false testimony, most notably Jesus.
--“I solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.”
--As in, “May God both help me to do this AND strike me down if I do not.”
--Bring forth everything you know as if you had no agenda or interest in the outcome of the case so that others can decipher the information without your biases.
--capital-scale crime.
--Obligated to tell the truth in these proceedings because they lead to the loss of life, liberty, or property of the defendant.
--Turning the system for establishing justice into a mechanism for creating injustice.
--The greatest perversion one could imagine.
--The harshest condemnations in the Bible are not against individual criminals but against kings and leaders who manipulate the law so as to pervert justice and to oppress especially the poor.
--A sort of blasphemy against God, the one true and perfectly just Judge of the universe.
--Deterrence against perjurers.

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