Monday, February 14, 2011

Show Topic: What do women REALLY want for Valentine's Day?

The culture tells men to buy jewelry, chocolate, and flowers and to ideally present them at or in conjunction with dinner at some nice (read, expensive) restaurant. But after 13 years of marriage, I have a theory. First, some women do not really like any of this. Second, most all women would actually appreciate something else not on this list even more than she would these things. Third, men don’t seek and women don’t share this information, mostly because men think they already have learned what they need to know from the culture and women think they aren’t supposed to contradict the teachings of the culture in this way. But I’m not much enthralled with the commercialized opinions our particular current culture, so I’m asking: “Women, what do you REALLY want for Valentine’s Day?” If it’s one of the standards, fine. But if not, please share and confirm my suspicion that there’s so much more to giving good gifts than picking among the V-Day trinity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't want chocolate, flowers or jewelry. Of the three, the only one I really like is chocolate.

I'D love a housecleaning service. A year of housecleaning would be a dream-come-true but I'd be thrilled to have a service come in even for just one day.

This year, my husband gave me chocolate and a radio for my car to replace the one that barely works. It was a sweet gesture, one I wouldn't have thought to request.

But I will continue to hope for a housecleaner.