Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wacky Wednesday--Democracy Is Dangerous

Note: Before reading the following arguments, please understand that they are not what I believe. On Wednesdays, I deliberately argue for wrong ideas, challenging my listeners to call and defend the obvious right answer, which is usually far harder than one would expect. This is a summary of what Wacky Andrew will be arguing, not a representation of what real Andrew believes.

~People elect tyrants (or at least support them) regularly: Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Putin, the Ayatollah, Chavez, and Castro, just to name a few.

~True democracy in Egypt might well make Iran II.

~The problem is that democracy presupposes a pretty high caliber of citizenry, and without this, it’s like letting the inmates run the prison or the children run the nursery.

~Voters are generally quite stupid, without real principle, use government to serve themselves, aren’t informed, and haven’t read the Constitution.

~Democracy gave us Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter. It also gave us (if you prefer) Richard Nixon and George W. Bush.

~Why do we have a massive deficit? Democracy

~Why do we have intrusive fiscal policies? Democracy

~Why is Social Security the third rail of politics? Democracy

~Why is abortion legal? Democracy

~Why is porn legal? Democracy

~Why is gay marriage soon to be legal? Democracy

~Why is there pork? Democracy

~Democracy is relativism, where each man’s opinion is considered sacred enough to deserve a vote regardless of its quality.

~The tyranny of the majority is no less a tyranny than any other.

~The problems created by majority rule inevitably lead to tyranny.

~The Kingdom of God is not a democracy. Why would we think we can best honor Him by making one?

~How does democracy prepare people for the master-servant relationship of Christianity?

~Plato and Aristotle both considered democracy to be basically a stepping stone toward corrupt government and tyranny. This is because the individuals are so inept at governing they will demand their legislators do things that cause so many problems that they will then seek a tyrant. Nazi Germany anyone?

~Democracy rewards effective campaigning skills rather than effective governing skills. The best salesman isn’t usually a very good engineer or manager.

~Many very productive organizational structures are decidedly undemocratic: Jobs, Sports, Churches, and Family.

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