Thursday, August 5, 2010

Various Current Events

Google Earth used to find unregistered pools (Fox News)
Church bodies praise crack-cocaine fairness act (Christian Post)
Target, Best Buy criticized for political support (Christian Post)
Ethics woes plague Democrats (WSJ)
Temple uncovered in Goliath’s home town (Christian Post)
Missouri votes against Obamacare (StL Post-Dispatch)
Pledge finally allowed in Massachusetts (Fox News)
Golden Gate to get a suicide net (LA Times)
Pelosi punts on when Jesus’s life began (CNS News)
Outed pastor rejects homosexuality (Christian Post)

Prop 8
Federal Court overturns Prop 8, stays decision (NYT)
Federal judge overturns Prop 8 (CS Monitor)
Why the Prop 8 decision matters (Christianity Today)
Prop 8 overturned, now what? (Findlaw)
Gay judge has proven record of impartiality (SF Chronicle)
Judge being gay a nonissue (SF Chronicle)
Three key points about Prop 8 arguments (Findlaw)

Ground Zero Mosque
WTC Mosque and Pope John Paul II (WSJ)
Liberal piety and the memory of 9/11 (WSJ)
A monument to tolerance (NYT)
Bloomberg’s speech (Governor’s office)
Mosque plan clears NYC hurdle (NYT)
Ground Zero mosque: why or why not? (Hugh Hewitt)
Palin opposed, others heard (CNN)
Why the mosque must be stopped (American Thinker)
A mosque at ground zero? (Boston Globe)
Irony in Ground Zero mosque outcry (Wash Post)
Rabbis and ADL differ on Mosque (AOL News)
The wrong-headed furor over the mosque (Findlaw)
ACLJ petitions to stop Mosque (Christian Post)
Cordoba House and the real Feisal Abdul Rauf (Blog)

1 comment:

Andrew Tallman said...

Posted by Naum. For whatever reason the software wouldn't let me post it normally.

An expert in constitutional law might see the Cordoba House controversy as a First Amendment issue and demand that the Muslim-Americans organizing the project be allowed to proceed without impediment. A politico might see the matter as an opportunity to score easy points with constituents (right or left) by supporting or denouncing the “Ground Zero mosque.” And a member of the media might see the issue as a powder keg guaranteed to draw an audience and therefore pursue whatever means to keep the controversy alive. But I’m not a lawyer, a politician, or a journalist. I’m a pastor. And when I look at the matter it isn’t the legal or political arguments that get my attention–it’s the fear. ~Skye Jethani

Has Hate Corrupted the Church?

While Newt Gingrich and other opponents of the planned mosque and community center in lower Manhattan try to convince Americans that the so-called Ground Zero Mosque is “all about conquest” and “Islamist triumphalism which we should not tolerate,” the history of Islam in America tells a different story. It suggests that the proposed mosque and community center, which is modeled after the New York YMCA and Jewish Community Center, is a continuation of century-old efforts at community building and an attempt to represent Islam in lower Manhattan as American Muslims have understood and experienced it rather than through the actions of terrorists. The decision to allow the building of the mosques and community center is yet another episode in American history that moves us closer to the realization of our nation’s founding ideal of religious pluralism and freedom amidst a din of protests. —Is Religious Freedom a Casualty at Ground Zero?

Ignorance and bigotry abounds. Cordoba House is not a mosque but a cultural centre, which will include a prayer area, sports facilities, theatre and restaurant. The aim of the project is to promote “integration, tolerance of difference and community cohesion … a place where individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, will find a centre of learning, art and culture”. Nor is it being built at Ground Zero. The proposed site is two blocks to the north. ~Mehdi Hasan