Thursday, April 14, 2011

3+4PM Heartbreak actually hurts.

University of Michigan researchers recently did a study testing the effects of heartbreak on our physical sensation of pain. They showed recently heartbroken people pictures of their exes and also subjected them to something like the pain of burning coffee on their arms and discovered the same region of the brain registered the sensation. Thus, both physical and psychological stimuli register as pain, which any heartbroken person could easily tell you. Their theory? Evolution recognized our need to respond to social threats (as social beings) every bit as vividly as to physical threats, and so it granted us similar sensations for both. I must be honest. The inventiveness of materialists astounds me sometimes. Here’s my theory. God built us to feel in our bodies the things He wanted us to learn about Him. God built us with such a deep desire for communion and love that it’s literally embedded in our bodies. And so we are wired to feel the loss of love in our bodies (just like the gaining of love) because our bodies are given to represent God and to teach us about Him. Since we are love beings made in the image of a love God, we feel these truths of God right in our bodies (or brains). Now, I may just be a silly, naïve, superstitious Christian who can’t help but see things different from materialistic scientists, but I just seem “wired by evolution” (or a generous Creator) to see bodily phenomena as ways in which our bodies were designed to reveal the God in Whose image we are made.

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