Wednesday, April 27, 2011

CC--Christianese 14f: God is a Trinity (part 6 of 7)

--For two days, I’ve been giving you limited or flawed analogies for the Trinitarian nature of God. And in a way this is fitting, since God Himself found every pointer to Him in nature to be flawed in some way.
--So, let’s look at another analogy, the one which God Himself chose to use to reveal His Nature to us: us.
--We are individual beings who are nevertheless created so intimately in community with others that we have special words to describe those communities: marriage and family.
--We are each individual persons, but we are all (at least supposed to be) united with other individuals in such tight bonds that we really are one thing as a marriage or a family. (Note the sharing of name as indicator of this).
--And in Genesis, God creates us for marriage and family (It’s not good for man to be alone) to declare His Nature to us, literally through our very bodies and relationships.
--A husband/father is so connected to his wife and children that they cannot be separated without doing true destruction to all of them. Likewise the others.
--This is why divorce is really such a horrific violation of the symbolic value that the family and marriage serve in pointing to God’s Trinitarian nature and His unity as three Persons.
--It’s also why we describe marriage as “holy matrimony” and say things like “what God hath joined, let no man put asunder.”
--And to take things one step farther, it is at the moment of maximum unity between a man and his wife that the imaging of God’s Nature is so powerful that it literally brings forth another life in their child. Where all other analogies falter, this one is indeed awesome.

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