Monday, March 21, 2011

03/21/11 3PM List of happiest and unhappiest states.

A few weeks ago Fox reported on a Gallup study that ranked all the states in order from happiest to unhappiest. Hawaii was at the top and West Virginia was at the bottom. So what did I do the moment I looked at the story? I searched to see where Arizona was listed!?! Why? What a moronic thing to do! What possible legitimate motive could I have for that? Is it so I can know how happy I should be or how unhappy I should be? Or how good I should feel about whether I feel good in the first place? “Oh, look at how much happier I am than the people around me.” Or worse, “Oh drat. I’m surrounded by people much happier than I!” I never did find out where Arizona ranked because the story only listed the top and bottom 10, and I stopped looking after I realized how silly I was being.

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