Wednesday, March 30, 2011

2PM Postsecret 1

Postsecret postcard: I never want to have kids because I never want my husband to love anyone more than me.

This is so completely understandable, and verges on being praiseworthy in its brutal honesty. However, there’s no real glimpse of recognition of how terribly counterproductive this is. And yet, I worry this is precisely the truth for many people. Marriage becomes a thing for its own sake rather than a place for giving life to the new most precious person you’ve ever known. I’m not saying I want this woman to have children. Such a selfish person might well be a horrible mother. But then again, discovering that having a child might give her all sorts of new reasons to fall even more in love with her husband as she watches him loving someone other than her might just transform her out of herself, an effect which becoming a parent often has.

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