Wednesday, March 23, 2011

CC--Christianese: Omnipotence (Part 3)

--Can God do anything? No.
--He can only do that which is possible.
--But wait, there’s more.
--Is there anything that’s possible to be done, but God can’t do them.
--There are in fact some possible things but yet still impossible, and therefore God can’t do them.
--All the things that are possible to be done but impossible FOR GOD are impossible For Him because of His character.
--He can’t act contrary to His own character
--As a result, there are loads of things God can’t do, and they’re really significant. In fact, you might say that it’s precisely because of the things God CAN’T do that we worship Him as opposed to the things He can do.
--So, for instance, can God be unloving?
--Can God lie?
--Can God be unholy?
--Can God be unjust?
--Can God make mistakes?
--You see that there are in fact myriad things God can’t do by virtue (!) of the very fact of Who He Is. --So can God do anything you can dream up? No.
--But God can do anything that is consistent with His character and possible? Yes.
--And the interesting things about those is that they are asking whether God can be anything other than God. And if God can be not God, He wouldn’t be worth worshipping, right?
--To put it another way, can God sin? And again the answer is no.
--In this sense, there are actually things that Satan and we humans can do that God cannot. But they’re all worse things than everything God really does.
--God can only do the possible, which still limits Him to what is consistent with His Perfect Nature, and that’s not a defect. It’s why we worship Him!
--God is more because of all the things He can’t do, not less.

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