Friday, March 4, 2011

CC--10th Commandment: Why is coveting so bad (part 2)?

--Coveting is the gateway or the bridge to all the other evils.
--Declares God has not provided enough for you.
--Because we are not content to have whatever God has already given us and because God, ultimately the only good we have, is enough for us.
--When it is specifically targeting your neighbor’s things, it’s a mixture of greed and envy.
--Greed in wanting more than you currently have.
--Envy in wanting your neighbor to lose what he has so you can be better than him.
--There’s a kind of direct hatred in this sort of desire which partially wants to take it away in addition to merely wanting to acquire it.
--Being incapable of celebrating your neighbor’s good success and actually needing to see him not get ahead so you can be happy.
--This is precisely the opposite of love, which would be happy to have someone else doing better and thriving.
--So why is it bad?
o Bad theology
o Hatred of our neighbor
o All of which leads to acting on our hatred of our neighbor.

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